Coach for Empowerment &

Conscious Parenting

I have all the capacity to create, bring to life, and destroy for the better.
When these impulses are pure I magically enrich my life such as the life of my beloved ones.

Nourish you inner connection and find joy, stamina and direction.

The aliveness children can show us can be seen as a barometer.

can we as parents constantly relate to an inner aliveness during day to day life?

Let me introduce myself.
I am a Coach empowering clients to rediscover their inner connection and embrace their true gifts. Becoming integer and authentic.

With that inner focus everyone can renew and create an inner bond with themselves. This allows deeper contentment and capacity to bond with your close relationships.

I am a mom and I have been through many struggles regarding parenting and how I find my own way of relating to my child and what my stand can be.

It took me many years and still is something I regulary work on. As this is a relationship it takes my courage and willingness to grow.

No single-man is an rigid entity always stays the same. Our children are beautifully asking us just by being around to evolve in ways we would´nt without them.

If we have figured out how to relate to ourselves and what comes up we can always recall our wisdom!

There is development and growth that needs to be acknowledged by every parent. BUT the way out is the way in. Connection with ourselves.

After I worked on my story, what I carry into this relationship and explored this beautiful wisdom stored within I was able to trust myself and find different ways to deal with situation that arose.

I had power when neccessary, been attentive and could relate out of an inner state of awareness rather than simply reacting.


Find your unique stand, nurishing yourself and then you do the dance integrating different aspects and relating to your loved ones. This is when it becomes magical - we no longer only do the self work, we get on our stage and make different choices regarding how we want to relate to our children and partner.

It is never too late to start nor is it ever a waste of time to nurish and connect to yourself.

Be ready and become a part of this wonderful community that chooses aliveness to be the standard.

My passion


No I am not into cook book prescribtion of your sun sign.

Taking a look at your birth chart can offer an intense and unique blueprint of your soul´s evolution.

Where you come from and more important how can you best move forward, what needs your focus.
And guess what?!
The poeple you name your close ones have some special gifts for you and this contract has been made a long time ago.

You have to be willing to grow into full size rather than filling the space you have been given.
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